Using Patcher to create ATutor Patches
The Patcher was introduced in ATutor 1.6 to allow administrators to update their systems with feature adjustments, security fixes, and other ATutor code changes in between ATutor releases. The Patcher is included as a standard module with ATutor 1.6.1+, and installs as an extra module for 1.6.
The Patch List
On the opening screen of the Patcher will appear a list of patches available for the version of ATutor you are using, along with a description of each patch. This list is retrieved from, as are the patches themselves, so you must be connected to the Internet. Patches are retrieved from by ATutor and applied as necessary.
File Permissions
In most cases you will be asked to temporarily grant write permission to the files that need to be updated or replaced, then once the patch has been applied, you will be asked to change the permissions back to read only. It is important that you follow the instructions after patches have been applied, otherwise you run the risk of opening a security hole.
Types of Patches
Patches come in various forms. Some patches replace code in a file with new code. Others replace a file with a new file. Others may do both on multiple files and multiple code changes. Other patches delete files that are no longer required.
Required and Non-Required Patches
In most cases you will want to install patches in the order they appear in the patch list, but not all patches are required patches. Some feature patches can be ignored if you do not need the features they would add or modify on your system. Other patches will have dependencies, requiring the administrator to install earlier patches before installing a later one. You will be prompted to install previous patches if there are dependencies.
Checks and File Backups
If you have made changes to a file the Patcher wishes to change, you will be prompted to continue or not. The patcher compares your local file with the same file in the ATutor code repository, and if they differ the prompt will display. In many cases the Patcher can apply patches without changing the code you have modified, but if the code to be replaced was modified, the patch will fail, or if the patch replaces a file, your changes will be lost. In all cases the patcher will create a backup of the files that were modified, identified by the filename plus the patch number added as a suffix. Rename the file to its original name to restore that file back to its original state. You can list these files by clicking the view messages button next to the patch listing after the patch is installed. After you have confirmed that the patches were applied and are working properly, it is safe to delete the backup files, though it does not hurt to keep them around.
Private Patches
In some cases private patches can be applied by uploading a patch file through the upload form below the patch list. Private patches are often those used to apply changes that are not being applied to the ATutor default source code, or to apply custom features, or to share patches between users, etc. When uploading a patch, be sure the patch id, defined in the patch.xml file, is unique .
Creating Patches
If you happen to come across a bug you can fix, or have a new feature you would like added to the ATutor public distribution, you can use Create Patch to put your changes into a form that can be easily added to the ATutor public code. Or, if you have a feature you are adding to one ATutor installation that you would like to have added to another, Create Patch is ideal for reproducing your feature across installations. If you are creating new features that are not going to become part of the ATutor public source code, you can build them into a patch so they can be reapplied from version to version as you upgrade your ATutor system. Creating patches does require knowledge of PHP, and of SQL if you plan on creating a patch that changes the ATutor database. Please refer to the appropriate documentation for information on PHP and SQL.
ATutor Patch ID
The patch id you give to your patch must be different from all patches available for the particular version of ATutor it applies to. It is suggested you prefix your patches with a special identifier that represents the author or the authoring organization. If for example the University of Toronto is creating the patch, a patch ID might look like "uoft_0002."
ATutor Version to Apply
This needs to be the exact version number of the ATutor version the patch applies to (e.g 1.6). including any minor version numbers (e.g The exact version number can be found on the Administrator open screen under "Statistics and Information" In most cases when applying a patch created for an older version of ATutor, the "ATutor version to Apply" will need to be adjusted. Or, this can be adjusted manually in the patch.xml file included with the source code of the patch.
This should be a detailed description of what the patch does. Example might include "fixes problem uploading files to filemanager" for a bug fix, or "added a timer function to tests" for an added feature, or "removes registration tab" for a feature adjustment, etc. Include enough detail so those applying the patch understand exactly what it will do..
SQL Statement
This optional field can be used to insert SQL commands which modify the ATutor database. It might be used to write an SQL statement to modify and existing table, such as changing a data type, or a field size, or to add or remove an field. It can also be used to insert SQL that generates a new table for a new feature created by a patch, or it can be used to insert data into a table used by a feature created by the patch. Any SQL can be included in this field. Be careful when running SQL, that SQL is not going to interfere with upgrade SQL. If you are changing table structures and those same tables are being altered during an upgrade, the upgrade may fail.
Dependant Patches
It is common for later patches to require changes from earlier patches before they can be installed. If this is the case for the patch you are creating, enter the patch IDs into the Dependant Patch ID field. Click on Add Dependent Patch if additional dependencies are required. Be sure to check the patches on the opening screen of the Patcher to see if the file you are modifying with your patch is being modified by an patch. If they are modifying the same files, you may need to include the ID numbers for those patches in the Dependant Patches for the patch your are creating.
This area is where most ATutor patches are created. Click on <strong>Add File</strong> to generate a patch block. A patch block can include one of four actions on the file being modified, as described below. As many patch blocks as required can be added to a patch.
Add File
The Add action can be used to add a new file to ATutor. This action is often used in conjunction with other patch blocks that alter or delete files, to add a replacement file for one deleted, or to perhaps add a required or include file needed by a modified section in the file being changed. In the File Name field enter the file name to be assigned to the file when it is installed. In the Directory field enter the relative path from the ATutor root directory in which the modified file is or will exist. Select from Upload File using the Browse button to locate the file in your local computer's file system. Note that the upload file can have any name. It will be renamed to the file name listed in the File Name field when it is installed.
Alter File
This option is used when you wish to make changes to a piece of code within an existing source code file. In the File Name field enter the name of the file in the ATutor source code that will be altered. In the Directory field enter the relative path to the directory in which the to be alter file exists, relative to the ATutor root directory. In the Code To Replace From field copy the code from the original file the will be replaced, or appended to, and in the Code To Replace To field enter to code that will replace the code above in the From field. Or, if you are adding code instead of replacing code, include the code from the field above so it gets added back if you are only using that code as a way of identifying a location in the file where new code is being added. Or, if you are deleting code, include the code to be deleted in the Code To Replace From, and leave Code To Replace To empty.
Delete File
This option will remove files from ATutor. In the <strong>File Name</strong> field enter the name of the file to be deleted. In the Directory field enter the path to the directory in which the to be delete file exists, relative to the root directory of the ATutor installation.
Overwrite File
This option is used to replace an existing file in ATutor with a new one. In the File Name field enter the name of the file to be replaced. In the Directory field enter the path to the directory in which the to be replaced file exists, relative to the root directory of the ATutor installation. In the Upload File field use the Browse button to choose a file from your local computer to replace the specified file. The upload file may be named anything. It will be renamed to the file it is replacing when the patch is installed.
Create Patch
Click on this button to build the patch into a downloadable zip file. This zip file can then be uploaded in the Upload field on the main Patcher screen to apply a patch to a system.
Save Patch
Click on this button to save the developing patch to the ATutor database for future reference. Though it is not required, you should save a copy of the patch in this way, so it can be retrieved and edited if necessary. Or, if a patch takes more than a single sitting to build, you can save it, then retrieve it later to continue.
Press this button to ignore the latest changes to the patch, and return to My Own Patches Screen.