
Learning Management System

ATutor APIs

Core API

Install the phpDocumentor module to generate api documentation.

Module API

  • $this->_pages[{page url}][title_var] the language variable representing the page title in the language_text table
  • $this->_pages[{page url}][title] the actual language text (only used for local development)
  • $this->_pages[{page url}][parent]
  • $this->_pages[{page url}]['img'] relative path to module icon
  • $this->_pages[{page url}][children] array of relative paths to
  • $this->_stacks[{module name}] array title_var,file, the display name and url of a side menu block
  • $_group_tool relative url to module's group tool
  • $_student_tool relative url to modules' student
  • $this->getPrivilege() instructor privileges, assigned to a constant (e.g. AT_PRIV_HELLO_WORLD)
  • $this->getAdminPrivilege() administrator privileges, assigned to a constant (e.g. AT_ADMIN_PRIV_HELLO_WORLD)

Themes API

  • $this->lang_code the ISO language code
  • SITE_NAME the site name from the config file
  • $this->page_title the name of this page to use in the <title>
  • $this->lang_charset the language character set
  • $this->content_base_href the <base href> to use for this page
  • $this->base_path the absolute path to this atutor installation
  • $this->rtl_css if set, the path to the RTL style sheet
  • $this->banner_styledeprecated
  • $this->theme the directory name of the current theme
  • $this->base_href the full url to this atutor installation
  • $this->onload javascript onload() calls
  • $this->img the absolute path to this theme's images/ directory
  • $this->sequence_links associative array of 'previous', 'next', and/or 'resume' links
  • $this->path associative array of path to this page: aka bread crumbs
  • $this->rel_url the relative url from the installation root to this page
  • $this->nav_courses associative array of this user's enrolled courses
  • $this->section_title the title of this section (course, public, admin, my start page)
  • $this->top_level_pages associative array of the top level navigation
  • $this->current_top_level_page the full path to the current top level page with file name
  • $this->sub_level_pages associate array of sub level navigation
  • $this->back_to_page if set, the path and file name to the part of this page (if parent is not a top level nav)
  • $this->current_sub_level_page the full path to the current sub level page with file name
  • $this->guide the full path and file name to the guide page
  • $this->icon the path to a course icon (new from 1.6)
  • ======================================
  • top_level_pages array(array('url', 'title')) the top level pages. ATutor default creates tabs.
  • section_title string the name of the current section. either name of the course, administration, my start page, etc.
  • page_title string the title of the current page.
  • path array(array('url', 'title')) the path to the current page.
  • back_to_page array('url', 'title') the link back to the part of the current page, if needed.
  • current_top_level_page string full url to the current top level page in "top_leve_pages"
  • current_sub_level_page string full url to the current sub level page in the "sub_level_pages"
  • sub_level_pages array(array('url', 'title')) the sub level pages.