Distance Education Survey
(CCE and EvNet)
Part A: Learning Preferences
For questions 1 through 10, of the 23 questions, please select the ONE of two choices in each question that best describes you personally. If both seem to apply to you, choose the one that applies more frequently. You are free to skip any question, though you are encouraged to complete them all.
Enter your Participant ID
Pictures, diagrams, graphs, or maps.
Spoken information
Jump in and contribute ideas.
Look over the pictures and charts carefully.
Focus on the written text.
What I see
What I hear
In a study group.
The picture.
What the instructor said about it.
Charts or graphs.
Text summarizing the results.
Have "group brainstorming" where everyone contributes ideas
Brainstorm individually and then come together as a group to compare ideas.
Stay focused on that subject, learning as much about it as I can.
Try to make connections between that subject and related subjects.
Appeals to me
Does not appeal to me.